Fluorimport S.r.l. more than 45 years of special lamps.
Since 1971 Fluorimport srl import and sells light bulbs for household use and industrial applications. We have ready in stock a wide range of Japanese ultraviolet and medical lightbulbs. Thanks to the experience gained and to the quality of our products, we are able to meet the needs of customers in the most delicate applications, from water and air purification, to hospital and laboratory supplies. We are also able to offer major brands lamps such as Philips, Osram, Sylvania, GE, and so on, for any special application.
More Info
Via Luigi Einaudi, 4
20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
VAT / C.F. / P. IVA: 00872790159
+39 02 39282747